
out from under.

Breathe you out
Breathe you in
You keep coming back to tell me
you're the one who could have been
and my eyes see it all so clear
It was long ago and far away but it never disappears
I try to put it in the past
Hold on to myself and don't look back

I don't wanna dream about
All the things that never were
Maybe I can live without
When I'm out from under
I don't wanna feel the pain
What good would it do me now
I'll get it all figured out
When I'm out from under

So let me go
Just let me fly away
Let me feel the space between us growing deeper
And much darker every day
Watch me now and I'll be someone new
My heart will be unbroken
It will open up for everyone but you
Even when I cross the line
It's like a lie I've told a thousand times

I don't wanna dream about
All the things that never were
Maybe I can live without
When I'm out from under
I don't wanna feel the pain
What good would it do me now
I'll get it all figured out
When I'm out from under

And part of me still believes
When you ay you're gonna stick around
And part of me still believes
We can find a way to work it out
But I know that we tried everything we could try
So let's just say goodbye

SUNMAID raisins.

y is my entri was like so tettt.?!duh.im so blur2 when i open diz bloggy.
diz monng my PAD 120's group was mking some dscsion abt our tuto quest.
i was the leader.so last nyte im the one who text thm 2 come early 2day b4 9 mst smp librry.!
but WTTettt hanis,tiya n i de mslh teknikal sket.tyme 2 lahh nk sket prot.tyme 2 lahh
tag tgl.haish.n we jus jaln2 kt tmn bge jee even quite late a gak.haha.!n suprsng me.
hasif text aftr btol2 kuar dri toilet kot.!dat tyme 8.38.wutt???awal giler sbb he was in the lbrry
kot dat tyme.!haha.n biler kteorg smp je lbrry.mmg jdk bahan aa.esp ME!
sbb smlm beriyer giler sroh dtg awl.cess!xgne tol.they were just so sacrastic giler kot.
n act all the point dh de n pttnyer datuk bg kt my kolej jekot.bungok.!bkn nk text.
so pg tdie cm WHATS THE MOTIF U GUYS pg libry??wastng my free tyme je :))
i means my zzzz tyme.haha!dz wk pckng sgt.penat.i had 2 admit it.duh.sgt kot.
ehm.i love my BEL n PAD 160 pye class :))

haha!im the one yg ptt tahu je :D
making it work,okai?
pe ni.frst wk dh beriyer so come on girl!
GO for IT :)
leave all the silly,unnecessarily,wastng n etc thngs behind.
1 ' thng ' je yg still bole dpkkan.hee.

presentation english.

group spe ntah yg prsnt.
but dis is our day lahh.
group last yg akn prsnt.so i was like cm xksah sgt.
agponk bel is like english yg sgt mdah :) * brlgak x? *
agk brbza ngan ssp pye dk dlu.
tp sme comfort ngan dk ssp :))
n our group prsnt BEST.!
sume org faham.
we LIKE.

ok.he was holding my fon.hazim.!sorie2 i put ur pic in my bloggy :)) hahaha!in library.doing our english asgmnt act.sgt sejok.nyamannn je.candid pic act nie.n wearing a mask is a kind of
compulsory dat tyme tok bdk2 kolej dorg yg kne kuarntin bcoz of h1n1.arghh.xgne pye babi.!
jap.motif i put diz pic ere bcoz kan dh ckp nk knl kan sme org!haha :DD clasmatesss.

BB & TS.

a view from MCDONALD :)
dh pnat jalan2 kt sg wang n bb.lpak mcd jew.
hardrock cafe xbkk.y erk??i thnk dorg de wat renovation kot.
b4 2 we watched harry potter at KLCC.okok.
dat story was 5 thumbs DOWN.!wtH?
criously u guys rse satisfied x byr 4 dat movie??duh.
is not bcoz dumbledore mati.tpi other charcters ponk cm pe bnd ntah.
i thnk diz is d'worse KOT.sdyh mmg sdyh.but..
ehm.i really2 x'ske' ngan diz tyme pye hrry pott.
no action at all.quiditch 2 ponk sppsnyer cm lg gempak kot.
n cm nice jekan view nie?hahaha.!
god.' we ' refer to hanis n me :)

hanis blnje.yea! : D
sbb i was doing all the asgmnt by myself.sbb..??
sbb sme point de kt ak.nk xnk kne lah jgak bwat.
ak n hanis agk melantak giler lah sbb dh nak blek LONDON.* sigh *
im bcome vry shopaholic dat day :))
vry confsng nk beli yg mne sa2 KOT.!but i bought agk byk aa.
sgt pnat.criously.
bt have fun :)) yang!kau blek.waaa!


sitting alone in my room listeng to my fav music looking around wit no any idea inside my head,criously 4 people who loves to make noise,will die at my place now.the place dat im sttng now i mean.but then ma mind sudnly recall mostly e'ing.yeah.since i was in stndrd 6.i really do love politics.very much!untill now.dats y im takng the course dat have cnctd wit diz kinda of politcs stuft.criously ryte now im jes thkng how 2 make my both prnts proud of me enough.i do list all the thngs.haha!to be dfrnt from othrs,peeps outhre owes said dat ' slalu lah jdk diri sndri '.
but 4 me bcome ourself is somthng dat is so hard 2 do,kan??n 4 me to0,bcmng myself make me gogogogogogo lower n lower.whn i thnk back, act its so easy 2 be sccsfl bcoz i dun hve husbnd o any child 2 tke cre of or 2 thnk abt.so,go for POLTICAL ANALYSIS :)).no more plyng arnd.* dats wut im doing now * n guys,im sorie if i dun take 4 me as a silly prblm not criously, do undrstnd dat im now going 4 my desire.they had gave me almost anythng i want to.so i dun thnk dat im going 2 hurt them in any way.nahh.xsba nk blek lendu plak :))

PS: god!specky,mishh u!


mohd muhaimin syah :)
criously no words can describe kecomelan bdak nie.haha!
he's not my adek.but use 2 be my adek yg lastttt skali.ehm.pening?? :))
whole week i keep plyng wit him sbb dis sart nk blek lendu dah.
KOMPOM lme lg nk blek umah.lendu 2 kat brunei aw.haha!*poyo*
sbb comel sgt bdk nie.my mom pkai kan tdg kt dyer.
transferm of muhaimin.hahaha!
sumpah gelak gile lahh tyme captre diz cutie lil boyyy.
rse nk sepak2 je mke dyer.ngee.
im going to mish him badly!criously.
sbb dh tau lme lg nk blek umh kan.i do keep video of him kt my room.
byk!so dh set b4 bce doa tdo im going 2 see all d'vdeo :)))
ILYso much dude.muahx2!!

second wife.

i love my entri :)
tdie open bluetooth folder.
jeng!i saw diz pic.sorie tiya.haha!
MMS day.i bcome a dinosuor bcos of dis mesra2 wtv ntah.heck!
bdak tiya ni nmpk je senyap cm boye dlm sgai.
diam2 ubi berisi :)) kan tiya.???
so dis is it.!tiya n me dlm tlkg.
solat kat luar n ats jln wit full of rocksss.XPRIENCE.tett.
nextyme i introduce org len plak.
hayy dh pgl.haha!
my day:jmp amier :)

both of you i do misshy2

tgh2 bwt CTU ksygn nie.ma heart so sudden t'igt kt offline msg dye.
crious.sbb dh lme giler x0n9 aftr stay kt lendu 2.rmi giler kot peeps othre yg ak xctc.
so stop jap teori darwin dlm pale otak.tab tab tab.i read all the july's blog.
gosh.miss you so much.!!rse cm nk pg book tcket flyte n trbng across the sea yg ade dlm peta dnie.lpak2 jap ps2 blek aa cni blek.haha!its jus a dream dat will neva hapn.
thanx sbb wish my burfday even offline msg ponk kt YM.tataw npe,rse cm giler aprc8 lahh.!
tpi rse cm tau nape.haha.ayt keling dh kuar.hee.sbb u igt my burfday :)
duh.bckground lgu slow emotion.i have to chnge it now b4 emo mlbyh plak.haha.!
dah rancak.yea!hatin on the club by rihanna.

ok.2nd peep i do miss.nk ckp open crious segan duh!
dunno y i jes hate peeps col me ***** ryte now.arghh.bungek aa.
haa.out of entri.haha.!pg smlm on9 ymies jap.tett.i saw the kuning one.
ngee.tros say hi.n ymie ymie n ymie.kjap je.i means not so long laa.
igt nk ajk kuar tgk movie o jalan2 smp sket kaki ke.tpi im quite bz ryte now.
dgn bel lg.ctu lg.heck!kkdg smp i 4gt to breath.haha!okokok.kerinduan kpd mreka berdua.

psiee:guys.i do miss all of u.xkan lahh TAK kot.nak hangout tpi....tett!im dying doing my stuft now.BD.


okayh.im back.about a month xbkk blog.
criously xpndai nk upd8 blog dah.haha!
damn!so mny thngs 2 share tpi xlrt nk gtau sume.
so i had mde mine,keep in my memory je lahh :)
slgi x NYANYUK.slgi 2 bule igt.kan2?
act nk strt upd8 blog blek aftr siapkn sume asgmnt yg de.
my CTU's lectrer,i love u so much.!haha! ( nada yg mmrli ) *geram2*
sbb dyer lahh pgie2 ak bkk terjemahan Al-quran.bgos kan?hee.
duh.cm tade mse nk juling2kan mate kt blog nie.
got so mny thngs 2 do.!argh.!
btw,mls lahh nk lyn KAU.i keep wndrng Y on earth this kind of peeps be in my surrounding??
i hate the statement.xnk mncrot.tgh wat asgmnt CTU nie.duh.
off 'pen'.


wait 4 my newest blogss.
so mny thngs wanna huh??
missing.sume org!