aha.entri ak cm ak ni sensitif giler jekn.WTV lahh.
but the truth is mmg ponk.nme ponk pmpuan.len aa klo ak jantan ke.
pondan ke.peke.len citer aa.aha.okai.
MANIE.cant wait 2 see u dis thursday.
berdating lahh kiter.kah3!ak sggp tgk syurge cnte 2kali.demi kwn yg ak syg :DD.
mst kau terharu kan yang??huhu.n also terminator salvation.im coming!wait okai??
ak dh trill xtntu psl ah ni tgu khms ni.2MOVIE bai!tgk slgi mmpu.tgk slgi blom kne concntr8 pape.study lahh 2.tgk selagi tade pape kmtmen yg ak kne buat.heh.
farHANN.ouh.since u msok mtrx.jrg de MR V during nyte.
tade lg ngarot2 i kt u.heh.alaa.u pun same ngarot gak.kah3!tpie i sentese memahami
kebuzyan u kt mtrx 2.so,its ok if u jrg ctc2 i dah.*cerr.nmpk cm undrstndng giler kan??*
bhsn act BFF ym tade ni.u tau hann.i bhsn smp asyk korek idong jew dalam2.*sbb if xdlam xtrill lgsg kot!*hua3!nab pengutur.no more long conversation abt 'them'.no more long conversation abt e'ing.but i jes undrstand all thngs.sbb i kan BFF ym u.hua3!!no2.bkn kt ym je okai??
mst korg nk ckp entri tade kne mgne lgsg kan ngan bnd2 kt ats ni??
ok.ni bru de kaitan sket.
miss both of them.rindu2.
wahh.cehh.emotional giler nab. :))
PS//yang.lap air kt idong 2.ish3.malu org nmpk kang. :DDDD
:: hann.dh2.jgn ngs2 lgie.smp xnafas haa.kah3! ::