
2days dat full of blast.

destination:UIA pj n UM.
otw nk pg uia gile dah sesat2.stop tepi hutan mne ntah.lost kt KGPA.
mlm tuh je agak berjuta kali ak col amier.hehe.
xtream giler.msok housing area lgi.kuar sni.msok sane.
stop sni.stop sne.haha.!ak n aida lahh manusie plg gagah sbb bule smp gak kt iium.
amek hann.jmp g-bum.lpak2 bilek dorg.
UM n UIA cm sblh2 je.xjaoh pun.
so pg msok UM jmp aween n amir.nk dscuss psl plan pg picc.
xTIPU.um BESA giler haa.!!siyes kiteorg lost kot dlm 2.siap stop ag tye mne kediaman 12 erk.??
nek bukit.tron bukit.nmpk gak tmpt dorg.
lpak cafe.
sorie to amir n hann sbb tembikai kt muke korg.
from kerongkong to their face.!aha.!
duh.bwat cafe UM cm cafe ssp.xpsl2 kne blah awal.haa.
wlkng2 kt tasek then pg bilek aizu.best kot blk dorg.cm cool giler je.
lpak sane smp kol 11++.
nk blek ponk lost gak.gile mncbar aa.
tye polis tpi xTAu pape.wtf.
ak ikot insting je nk blek 2 sbb dh give up gile xtau jln nk pth blek PJ.
ikot jln bangsar JAm.!ckp kt aida.
"aida.rodblock kot."
"eh tak lah.jam ni kot."
TAK jam.RODBLOCK.!cuak.sign P tade.
polis byk giler tp lpas je.hahaha.!
smp btol2 kt area umh around 12++.
lpak mnom2 rmi giler kot lyn shisha.smoke sine sane.tp cm layan jew.
n we're finally home at 2.30AM.
best.!fun.!amazing race.!extream.!
going to picc lah plg best.
sggah skolah jap amek brg.jmp setan2 dulu.aha.!
from skul to picc crk prkng sume.D33.!
msok je rmi giler org kt planetry hall tuh.dlm hall de alumni skul yg involve.
parents lgi.bdk2 skul ag.VVIP muhyidin.minister of eduction aka TPM.haa.!
kiteorg lpak tagge jew.jmp bdk batch.best kot.!
TERjmp ngan setan2 ponk best gak. :)
performance evry skul ok je.de yg bhsn de yg cm agak2 bole a champ.haha.!
sguhati.mls nk mention sbb xbest ponk.kah3.!
smp sne kol 2++.
blek nk dkat2 mgrb gak aa.
congrats to muiz.worth it 4 every single thngs yg kau sacrifice :)
good job n 100THUMBS UP 4 u.
otw blek sume thap letih2 dlm kete.
ak xbule tdo sbb jdk PA aida.hehe.
hantar amir kt KTM.aween n aizu LRT putra.
blek mlm tuh sume tdo giler lena.
esp our driver.haha.!
xkan lupe lahh diz wknd.hbat.!cool.!fun giler.!
thanx to all yg menjayekan our plan.haha.!
last wknd tok njoy.
i have so much funnnnnn..!!


i felt so no comfort today.
wit the F*****G ulser dlm mlt.i dunno wether it is an ulser o luke tyme gsk gg.???
n the little boy name mimi.duhh.
si mimi ni tade lah sa2 burden 4 me.it jus im a little bit sick of u.sorrie.
line inter ponk cm arghh!.i hate celcom ryte now!SANGAT.!
i cnnot open diz.open dat.bek buang je dlm jamban cnie.!
skjp WCMDA.skjap HSMDA.nk gado kew??ak xnk byr nxt month!im crious.
with all thngs came around.mood ak xOK 2nyte.!
i really dun have mood nk ckp2 ngan sape2 skrg.
korg tau kan cne rse biler tade mood..??i prefer to be alone now.
then biler bkk page nie.page tuh.loading bkn men lme ag.!rse nk cmpk lappy kt anjing.
SITI NABILAH MOHMAD RAZALI is sick of everything.!
ptg tdie nk mam pisg gorg.mnx tlg adek blikn RM1 je ponk ok sgt.
BUT.pye lah dye BERIYER xnk pg.!
as a SISTER.ak rse cm nk tumbuk mke dyer tdie.siyes.!
so if 2nyte dyer mnx tlg ak pape.thumb down beb.shuuh!
ps2 de atie nk bodek kakak dye ni.y??she bought me my fav.ice blended.
tpi xcair sbb im trully BESI 2nyte.tpi mnom jgak lahh sbb shuld i tolk rzki dpan mate??
thanx lahh jgak.derr.
im cntnue-ing my conan.leka2 mst xigt dh psl ni sume.msti!
to manie.us.kunab.mirr.i jes rmmbr abt our last moment kt my dorm.
sumpah RINDU.!
n also the the RADIO buruk kt table ak.waa.!igt tak ak ske request lagu.
sbb tyme tuh giler TAK SKE kat laki.aha.!
n kite wat hot fm sndri talk abt norman n memey affair.haha.!
D**N miss u guys.

my brain loading.

a little bit shocked when i read the blog.i guess when i scrolled it down.
i was the one yg ptt shock later.
so i decide xnk bce lgi smp hbs then i cntnue my reading.
the conan.im-ming wit harry junior.chkng out zott'z piccy.duh.
miss all thngs tyme kiteorg f3.
'A WALK TO REMEMBER'.gle addict kt dat story.'ONLY HOPE'.the song.
smp sggp berlari2 pg labcomp find the lyrics.haha!funny plak biler terigt sume bnd.
it was me,zott,aisyajie,amir.
we did mess up the corner of the emrald's stdy room.best!
ak igt ag meja besa patah tgl ats dyer je.tros jdk meja jepun.haha!
in memories beb.
clicked on the page i cntnue redng the blog.nape ttbe rse len giler?
rse cm ak byk bnd gtau dyer but ttbe rse i was the one yg eh,xtau ponk dyer ni.
dyer tuh.blablabla.shuld i rse sume ni?
ak ke yg emo semcm?ntah lah.hating diz moment.sumpah!
n yg plg ak tersentak biler bce dat blog is when dyer ckp *ak je yg tau.others cannot*.
tp bia lahh dyer.myb kan ak yg slalu citer2 kt kau kot.ok crious rse ni slh ak.argh!
dah lah.lets end e'ing.frens eva ryte??
when i see ur name gvng me a msg.i dun feel like wut i feel before.
feel nothning.2day is jes my usual day as before.bt 2nyte is not as b4.
ttbe i hate u so much.criously.i hate u much.


nescafe 2 in 1??aha.no lahh.my day is 2 in 1.
skjp sdyh2.then hepi blek like usual i am.its all abt my nitemre!
so not undrstnd sbb cm ak yg come up wit the probs.y the peeps owes blmng on me?
ak ke yg salah??ak ke yg jht??derr.sume ak.ak ni.ak tuh.arghh!
ok.myb my wrong to use all the vuglar words but sape yg xgram if dpt tau
somthng so horible lah jgk abt u??talking bck.full wit liars.
ak ponk blank nk cyer sape tp sorie i will neva trust u xksah lah bnd 2 btol ke x act.
i jes dun care.now sume mcm aggp ak ni a bad girls yg dulu ckp nk bek2 je tpi
wut hpnd now??melibtkan 4 org yg sume de conction msg2.its so hard ryte?
blank.blurr.n so wtv.so sad act biler jdk cnie.its like all the burden fell on me.
but i did no 2 yg kau muiz ponk byk gak mslh len othr thn diz probs.sorie sbb myb slh ak kot
citer kt kau at the wrng tyme.ntah lah.ak xsgke bnd ni mcm jdk burden 2 e'one.esp 2 u.
aish.ak xagkt dye col sbb im hvng such a hard tyme ble ctc dyer blek.so ak dh wat dcsion
xnk dah pk psl dyer sket ponk aftr ptg tdi.but biler ak xlyn sgle col dyer n e'ing u col me n said
why??nape agkt??duh.i noe u wntd the best 4 all peeps u care but if the ryte time come.
i will speak it out loudly.now.bia jelah org nk ckp ak ni jht ke.peke.dun care.im sorie 4 mkng a hard ctuation.losing her is nothng 4 me sbb xworth it pun ak still bek ngan dye.its not ak xnk settlekn bnd nie tpi jez let the time decide e'ing.yess.ak admit sgt atfr hvng some converstion wit u abt them ak sdyh down frustrated sume lah.mate ak tros jdk cm msok hbok dah.heh.
lntak dyer lah nk citer sume ni kt kwn dye o sape2 jelah n ckp ak ni.ak tuh.ak ni.ak tuh.
go ahead.so mch othr thngs to thnk rthr thn thnk abt who else more u r going to say abt me.
sile2.citer lah kt sume abt ur kesedihan yg mlmpau 2.n sile lah citer detail2 psl pe ak ckp o pe msg ak bg kt kau kt sume yg de kne mgne ngan kau.okai??yess.bnd ni bule je settle leklok but
not by telng e'ing to othrs.ak jela yg jht.kau??ak jelah yg tade perasaan.kau??
derr.ttbe rse cm tmpt smpn tears dh pnoh rse cm nk bnjir jew.rse cm argh geram2.all thngs mixing up.
but there he is.mr.K!hee.im mkng a foncol.gees.its my 2nd tyme.on fon.
sbb dh mls giler nk text2 dat tyme.pjg sgt nk tkan2.so sng col jela kan sbb im not hvng such a probs o xslese ke nk talk2 dlm fon wit u.aha.*poyo je nie pdhal cuak je owes*trow like vommit.citer sume bnd.legaa!mle2 cm tgh bergenang tyme tgu u agkt tpi aftr ckp2 sume.ahahahahahahha!dh gelak gulik2 sbb u seems more funny dlm fon lahh.thanx ya mr.kegembiraan.im glad u r there.i syg u lbyh2!hahaha!20 thumbs up for u!later if de rzki lg kiter oncol lgi n talk talk talk smp muntah k?aha.dats my 2 in 1 day.kesedihan && kegembiraan.yg xdisangke2 jdk.later wut happn erk???dunno lahh.ehm.


detective conan && CSI.
im addicted to the small conan.like2 :)
n also i was amaze by the investigaion.
CSI miami.CSI NY.crime scene investigation.
kegilaanku!they like drugs.aha!
wondring biler lahh citer conan nk hbes.comic dyer dh 634 chapter!
duh.but still no 1 fan of dis 2.

friendship qoutes?

weird huh ltak diz pic?
aha.sbb slalu yg beriyer psl friendship mostly girls.
like sisterhood so WTV la.bhsn2.derr.
why??sbb if sape2 lah prasan kan.
KAWAN ni kkdg pndai ckp jew like
"i neve 4gt u.ure the one!"."frens eva!".blablabla.n but then??
ex:si A n si B kwn bek.then si A n si B dpt offer frthr stdy.but si A yg msok dulu.b4 pg si A ni pye lahh menabor jnji2 yg sweet! kt si B.aha.but then si A ni sgt bz kot smp cm TERlupe kt si B.n myb si A ni lupe kot sume jnji2 sweet! dye.aha.
xsume org cmni.but somtymes lahh.
i thnk i kinda losing her.myb she TER4gt abt me.o myb me yg lupe psl dyer.dunno lahh.
sad.frustrated.anger.n so 0n.b4 diz xnk terase pape sbb im growng up bcome more matured.
tpi diz tyme kinda tersentap lah.is it true im losing u??
aha.cant make any conclusion now.bcoz u have ur life now.so do i.
tpie2!derr.let be gone be bygone jelah.kite still kwn.kinda missng u.mssng our precious mmnt wit OTHERS.thanx 2 u 4 still rmmbr me by giving 'it'.

is all diz friendship qoutes true??aha.some yes some no.maybe.

  1. A friend is not som1 who bale me out of jail but instead of sitting nxt to me saying we shouldnt have done it.
  2. My bestfren is like a fairytale they've been there since once upon a time and will be there forever n ever.

dah.2 ckop.ltak byk2 kang tade modal nk bg kt kawan2 i plak.hahahahaha!pee ase// story above 2 rekaan semate2.tade kne mgne ngn yg idop o yg saket o yg sudah tade.arap2 maklum :)

AM morning.

derr.its 4.17AM.
insomnia.upload the pics.
getting bored.lappy in night only.
subuh is otw.dun sleep nnt terlajak dhuha.
searchng the article of aziz+++.WTV lahh his name.
bkk harakah??sinar??gotcha!
layan all the artclesss.thnkng abt 2 buy whskas 4 giant.
stomach ache.ubt angin.thn saket.sket prot.
sume dh telan.mixing all 2gthr in my tummy.
gurgurugurkk.aha.byk prot.selekeh nab.
thkng of manie."yang.miss u sdnly"
thnkng of k.mimi."lamenyer xnmpk"
thnkg of cuzies."rayer lahh jmp"
thnkg of hann."tnsion x??aha."
thnkng of aida."ym budo asyk sawan je"
open the light.lagi lahh xtdo.its 4.26AM now.
myVi se.biler lah ak nk bwk kau?bkk lah pin2 hati abg izz.
10o% succesful.piccy uploaded.lega2.
off to bed lah.knc jam fon nk sbh.
jgn slt matahri dah.kah3.mood still kerinduan.duh.

wut i tink abt my life now.

is gtng to get in there.pk2 blek rse cm xcye sgt dh 18.no more thnk abt wake up as early as 5++.no more rutin harian dat i sick of it.no more suckng life kt ssp.not at all.mostly.bile recall e'ing.insane!cptnyer mse belalu.so many thngs hpnd n so0 mny peepz i found n a few peeps dat i left n dumb too.haha!i tell u wut.klo bwt buku tebal dyer like KLCC.myb lbyh kot.hehs.so.a few days more.n my life will completly CHANGE!im countng the day.19 dys more.cnt believe.but relief coz i got the chance.yeah.owes be thnkful 2 HIM 4 gve me diz kinda of oprtnty.alone in there is somthng i col it ADVENTURE.berdikari like i owes did 4 5yrs n shuld be no probs at all.som1 askd me "so dah prepare ke nk pg nie?".ouh.blurr lahh so i askd bck a silly quest n i noe i jes shuld shut my mouth dat tyme.tpi terlpas gak."ehm.act kan cne erk if kite tau kite ni dh ready ke x?" haha!bodo giler sokln kan??ive told u.n the peep came out wit a really go0d answer.n at d'mmnt i jes thnk bck abt my life now.wut is act i wnt in my life??am i going to chnge plus my attde plus my pointer o WTV dat i shuld chnge??i jes shuld thnk abt making a good plus great life towards gtng the hghst pointer in class ryte??yess!but somtymes i become the spoiler of maself.its so damn stupid!n suprsng me i had meet my mr.right in diz wrong time.cannot but my faith kan??kne jelah xcpt n ppndi i took care of mine.i got the offer n ixcpt it n i jes thnk to be the one so badly but sddnly the right came in my life being so nice being so so n so untill i jes grtful to meet dis anugerah tuhan n yeah the confusing moment of flng came!aha.bkn lahh confsng pape pun whthr i had to choose anythng.no!ehm.ntah lahh!see.cnfsng.myb diz not the right tyme 2 thnk anythng.i jes want dat atfr the 19days will pick me up wit the really precious moment dat i shuld not thnk abt 2 4gt it :) insyaAllah.i can feel the strngh inside mine.i set the mine e'ing is not possible!othr peeps cn do it incldg me.mind is the most imprtnt to set frst b4 doing o choose anythng.kan??n the right might be not so right.but at diz time i jes cannot say no right!ha3.thre some anugerah tuhan dat i really feel acomplished to be some part of them!thnx bg yg terase.hehs.kinda njoy my life now.thanx to HIM gvng me diz flng n stuation.e'body wntd the best in their life so do i.wishng i choose wisely abt my future n the right to0 not to 4gt.ha3!yeah nab.u have to 4gt.criously.aha!

doing:text wit mimi.pnoh kerinduan.alala.
mo0d:shkng abt the news.kher n iznie sa2 bilek??huh??!believe it o not?believe it.haa.


entri ak cm peje kan??
kah3.mmg keje ak tok kelirukan sume org.hee.
ok2.start storie.mle2 mmg nk post psl diz kind of durianz boy b4.
tpie tyme 2 kiteorg bru je knl.so i said.later i will!
tadaa!MR V :his ncknme.HANN a nme i coll him.
KAWAN BAIK YM ak.klaka kan??tpi comel.aha!
jmp kt ms.cm xcye sbb dlu ak jrg lyn ms.bored.tpie nme ponk takdir an.
we neva xpect somthng.knl pye knl.kiteorg strt chat kt ym.
sbb 2 lahh hann BFF YM.u nie hann.hehs.
then ttbe our probs tyme 2 lahh kinda same,kan hann??
ak n hann ctc each other tru YM.fon.ms.fun!
sbb hes the only guy yg sgt baik :)
sgt bgos bg advise :)
sgt Ok dlm berkate2 :)
memahami ponk :)
sgt lawak :) *tgk lahh kwn ngan nabil*aha!
mostly sentese de biler ak nk citer probs.n owes there!e'tyme.
n most imprtnt sgt bgos in frndship :) *double thumbs up* cehh.aha.
bt now dye kt mtrx joho.so phm2 lahh kan.
nme ponk bdk mtrx.bz yaAllah.slalu ksian kt dyer.
tpi tau je dye tough.kate durian.hehe.so kkdg cm tgu je dyer text dlu.
sbb kalo ak text dlu tkot dyer tgh bz.somtymes ak.kkdg dyer.
no hal lahh kan MR v?
still ctc smp skrg ouh!even knl kt ms yg mengong 2.ehe.
u will i bare in my mind to0.
xkan lupe hann.neva.
dats my pomish 2 u.
BFF YM smp biler??
smp mampos lahh.aha!

hann:A good fren of mine bcos " kawan yg bek ialah kawan yg sentese memberi nasihat"
exactly like u!
n slme kami kwn.1tyme only berckp dgn dye tru fon!sounds insane tpi btol lahh.sepak kang.hee.
n to hann.
hope u pilih yg terbek tok idop u.either saty mtrx o pg mktab.
WTV it is.i support u dari stiap sudut.igt!
owess love.*aha!kelirukan lagi!kah3!*

peyakk : )

one FAM ++ cuzies
haziqah && ME

from perak.
dpt tgkp 2 pic je.
ni lahh hasilnyer :)
best.tpi panas sket.
xkesah lahh kan sbb mmg tgh kemarau pun.
congrats to ekin n husband.
korg pye mjls ponk OK jew.hee.
tade ppe yg xok.jes fried ciken dye nape tawa??
mo0d nk jdk upin ipin ponk dh hlg.uhh.
salahkan catering!kah3!
lpak ngn czn aa masyuk.
sume thp sa2 kepale.yg pmpuan sume byk yg dh besa.
so byk join yg laki.mmg a sa2 pale :)
sorg jelah yg sentese ikot ak kemne saje.ziqah.haha.
bt to0 bad.had to wnt back early.
dh lahh fam ak jekot.yg len 2nyte men bkr2 sate.aha!
cerr.ak jeles.tpi apekah daye??sobbing.
tape.KWN BEK YM ckp.
"stiap prtemuan kan sho ada perpshan.dh hkm alm :)"
haa.kan dh dapt FACT.aha.yess MR V.thanx.hee.
text2 ngan cuzie dlm kete.
rindu dorg.*sighs*
nxt tyme jmp raye lahh kot.
2ponk if cuti rye pjg.msm skrg ni bkn btol sgt pun cutie.


gone to perak for 2days.
bhsn??agak aa.
doh.esok blek aa cpat.
*tadah tgn* mnx2 lahh fun je kt sne.

ps//best jekot.ak je yg xnk pg.kah3!

mood:xkesah dh dgn bckground mS.bungek!


xcept jew pe abg izz ckp.tok kebaikn ak gak.agak bergenang tp still bjet co0l.konon2 mate msok hbok.aha.ttbe kuar sokln dlm pale otk.ak ni demanding sgt ke??ke ak ni slalu sgt pk bnd2 len??ak ni bla bla bla bla blarp.doh.pe erk preparation ak tok 2706 nie??bju2 ponk xcrk ag.borg xisi ag.brg2 xbeli ag.nmpk cm xsmgt jekan??ak co0l je sbb xnk aa kcoh2 psl bnd ni.5thn ulgalik asrma.dh tau pebnd nk bwt n bwk.tp biler abg izz tye cm2.ak cm tros blurr thp 124%.blank giler otak.adush.so skrg ak rse cm tade gne ak pk psl bnd2 yg xmenjana otak n xmengmbgkn lgsg mase dpan ak.LAWYER.dptkn title 2 dlu.bru pk bnd temeh2 cm yg de dlm pale otk ak skrg.aha.njoy??average jee.pe yg menntukan kjayaan kite ialah diri kite sndri.so,LU PIKIRLAH SENDRI NABILah.
nak jdk penyangak or peguam??