giving a guide to the solution of the problem.so i've make a dcsion 2 start a new life.e'ing will abt my upgrowing,matuarity of mkng dcsion n the victory of mine that i'll approve to others.no more rubbish thngs.no more vuglar words 4 them esp.no more inconsequential thngy dat i'll tke crious aftr dz * korg tau pe.smstinyer anjing2 yg berkeliaran di ssp :) * diz is my new me.frgt abt the past.make a very intrstng life.not easy 2 frgt e'ing but no thngs dat impossible to do.*like dis :D*pple walk away from our life anytyme n blve me its so easy to do it.*kalo anjing yg wat.tak kesah lgsg n xign lgsg nk kesah.sbb anjing kan??* so if we feel so bad 4 ourself bcos of dat,come on!dun be too shy to say hi to people.thr r so mny ppl outhre dat we can find the BEST.criously!i'll find my only one l8r :) *cis!jiwang giler ayt aku* yeah.lets ignore them!*abg botak.abg uia.anjing2.nape?stret 4wrd gtau sape??lntak aa weh.sape yg HIPPO ag S**L.*now.in love wit god.wit my becoming course.wit my fam.wit my superbs frenssz.wit my maniemybo0.*yang,ak tls nme kau!hua3!*n of coz myself.to0 bad dat i throw u bcoz u r so fuck!haa!*i like it* not u A.i jes find dat i shuld 4gt u.4gt the thngs we did 2gthr.4gt abt our cnvrstion.im not thkng abt u anymre.i believe e'ing come from Allah :)
taa oldmcdonald. *had a farm.iyaiyyaooo0o0o.haha!*
see the changes LOL.
PA-my life :)
PA-my life :)