
my brain loading.

a little bit shocked when i read the blog.i guess when i scrolled it down.
i was the one yg ptt shock later.
so i decide xnk bce lgi smp hbs then i cntnue my reading.
the conan.im-ming wit harry junior.chkng out zott'z piccy.duh.
miss all thngs tyme kiteorg f3.
'A WALK TO REMEMBER'.gle addict kt dat story.'ONLY HOPE'.the song.
smp sggp berlari2 pg labcomp find the lyrics.haha!funny plak biler terigt sume bnd.
it was me,zott,aisyajie,amir.
we did mess up the corner of the emrald's stdy room.best!
ak igt ag meja besa patah tgl ats dyer je.tros jdk meja jepun.haha!
in memories beb.
clicked on the page i cntnue redng the blog.nape ttbe rse len giler?
rse cm ak byk bnd gtau dyer but ttbe rse i was the one yg eh,xtau ponk dyer ni.
dyer tuh.blablabla.shuld i rse sume ni?
ak ke yg emo semcm?ntah lah.hating diz moment.sumpah!
n yg plg ak tersentak biler bce dat blog is when dyer ckp *ak je yg tau.others cannot*.
tp bia lahh dyer.myb kan ak yg slalu citer2 kt kau kot.ok crious rse ni slh ak.argh!
dah lah.lets end e'ing.frens eva ryte??
when i see ur name gvng me a msg.i dun feel like wut i feel before.
feel nothning.2day is jes my usual day as before.bt 2nyte is not as b4.
ttbe i hate u so much.criously.i hate u much.