is gtng to get in there.pk2 blek rse cm xcye sgt dh more thnk abt wake up as early as more rutin harian dat i sick of more suckng life kt ssp.not at all.mostly.bile recall e'ing.insane!cptnyer mse many thngs hpnd n so0 mny peepz i found n a few peeps dat i left n dumb too.haha!i tell u wut.klo bwt buku tebal dyer like KLCC.myb lbyh few days more.n my life will completly CHANGE!im countng the day.19 dys more.cnt believe.but relief coz i got the chance.yeah.owes be thnkful 2 HIM 4 gve me diz kinda of oprtnty.alone in there is somthng i col it ADVENTURE.berdikari like i owes did 4 5yrs n shuld be no probs at all.som1 askd me "so dah prepare ke nk pg nie?".ouh.blurr lahh so i askd bck a silly quest n i noe i jes shuld shut my mouth dat tyme.tpi terlpas gak."ehm.act kan cne erk if kite tau kite ni dh ready ke x?" haha!bodo giler sokln kan??ive told u.n the peep came out wit a really go0d answer.n at d'mmnt i jes thnk bck abt my life now.wut is act i wnt in my life??am i going to chnge plus my attde plus my pointer o WTV dat i shuld chnge??i jes shuld thnk abt making a good plus great life towards gtng the hghst pointer in class ryte??yess!but somtymes i become the spoiler of maself.its so damn stupid!n suprsng me i had meet my mr.right in diz wrong time.cannot but my faith kan??kne jelah xcpt n ppndi i took care of mine.i got the offer n ixcpt it n i jes thnk to be the one so badly but sddnly the right came in my life being so nice being so so n so untill i jes grtful to meet dis anugerah tuhan n yeah the confusing moment of flng came!aha.bkn lahh confsng pape pun whthr i had to choose!ehm.ntah lahh!see.cnfsng.myb diz not the right tyme 2 thnk anythng.i jes want dat atfr the 19days will pick me up wit the really precious moment dat i shuld not thnk abt 2 4gt it :) insyaAllah.i can feel the strngh inside mine.i set the mine e'ing is not possible!othr peeps cn do it incldg me.mind is the most imprtnt to set frst b4 doing o choose anythng.kan??n the right might be not so right.but at diz time i jes cannot say no right!ha3.thre some anugerah tuhan dat i really feel acomplished to be some part of them!thnx bg yg terase.hehs.kinda njoy my life now.thanx to HIM gvng me diz flng n stuation.e'body wntd the best in their life so do i.wishng i choose wisely abt my future n the right to0 not to 4gt.ha3!yeah nab.u have to 4gt.criously.aha!
doing:text wit mimi.pnoh kerinduan.alala.
mo0d:shkng abt the news.kher n iznie sa2 bilek??huh??!believe it o not?believe it.haa.
11 months ago