sitting alone in my room listeng to my fav music looking around wit no any idea inside my head,criously 4 people who loves to make noise,will die at my place now.the place dat im sttng now i mean.but then ma mind sudnly recall mostly e'ing.yeah.since i was in stndrd 6.i really do love politics.very much!untill now.dats y im takng the course dat have cnctd wit diz kinda of politcs stuft.criously ryte now im jes thkng how 2 make my both prnts proud of me enough.i do list all the thngs.haha!to be dfrnt from othrs,peeps outhre owes said dat ' slalu lah jdk diri sndri '.
but 4 me bcome ourself is somthng dat is so hard 2 do,kan??n 4 me to0,bcmng myself make me gogogogogogo lower n lower.whn i thnk back, act its so easy 2 be sccsfl bcoz i dun hve husbnd o any child 2 tke cre of or 2 thnk,go for POLTICAL ANALYSIS :)).no more plyng arnd.* dats wut im doing now * n guys,im sorie if i dun take 4 me as a silly prblm not criously, do undrstnd dat im now going 4 my desire.they had gave me almost anythng i want i dun thnk dat im going 2 hurt them in any way.nahh.xsba nk blek lendu plak :))
PS: god!specky,mishh u!
11 months ago