e'ing strted yesterday.
the hack wshng mchne was not doing his job.!!
wut a stpid thng.!mmg kne sepak2 aa bnd 2.
tgn saket sbb i was doing the perah2 thngs.arghh!
pgie tdie hujan.kain basah.n " i like it so much :)) "
then perah2 lagie.
then tdie hujn lgie.
n lari2 lgie picked up all my thngs.
smp blek xhjan dh.??????
tape.saba lgie bcoz i noe HIM was doing e'ing.
i have 2 accept wtv it is.
then sidai blek e'ing.
damn tired.my hand was so so so so arghh!
political sc??definition aouthority xbwt lgie.
ni sume psl ayatollah khomeini.!
y on earth they jus give me d'point??
ma.!!wanna hug u.!
sobbing :(
11 months ago