crdt asyek xckop jew nk text.hish.nk tkar line tapi nnt dh xspecial.ishhh.
ok now i talk abt zuri amani zaid..! :( lame gile x text kot.yang.!ak deactivate FB ak fer a while taw.if anythng tru fon je ok.?
when i see the headline in the newsppr.
'penduduk Pakistan kecam Facebook'
luahkan kmrhan brhbg penyebaran karikutur yg menghina Nabi Muhammad
n all these things was n idea of a crtoonis from USA.
his idea is:establish a compttion whch given a name ' The day of drawing the pic of Nabi Muhammad '.
FB jes ckap dorg kecewa bile pakistan block web utube n FB.
so what.???
mati ke ko FB kalo citizens pkstan xbkk FB.??*picker minded*
somtymes it crossed my mind.
mmg ni lahhh dorg nak.men2kan nabi kite.
men2kan agme kite.
obviously kalo org islam bwat cmni mmg kompom declare WAR.!btol x.??
2 jelah dorg tau sbb pe.??sbb dorg pk xgune otak.
knowledge dorg kat war je.
kalo org kite gne otak btol2 xckop no lahhh thumbs up.
spe lg yg kne concern psl bnd ni kalo bkn kite.
smp bile kite nk depends on "kite kan teenage so njoy lahh dlu.xpyh pk psl bnd2 nie"
bcoz of diz lahhh.DISASTER hppn.!!
spe yg lead country kalo bkn kite nnt.??
njoy njoy jgak tp umo korg smp cni jeke.??
smp tue ke nk njoy je.??btol x.??
ak skong gile pakistan kecam FB.spe ckp kalo gne FB slh.xslh.
tp kkdg kite kne wat somthng so dat admin FB xrse bgos sgt.
yelahhhhh tgk aa spe yg sign up wat FB.ramaiiiii gile kot incldng me.!
xslah kalo gne admin FB shuld summone ppl yg msokn elmnts2 yg involve dgn kutuk2 agme org len.!
ni tak wat dek je.
n government ponk shuld involve in dis matter.
nak ckp bnd nie xptg.??pe agme rasmi kite.??
xpyh lahhh jdk leader kalo psl country ni korg xhbs stdy lg.
jgn igt nk pgkat n duit jelahhh.
sumpah cni sumpah sne tp habok ponk tde.!*kje nk mnpu jekan*
im not pointng government only but the opposition ponk sme je.!
sng citer bile de bnd jdk cmni.
bru btol.
PS:xslah ok kalo gne FB :) sbb ak ponk gne.niat kite nk tmbh kawan je :) kan2.?