

im confuse wit my feelings!

so fast.i wondrng y?

its been 10 days.
time passed.i still ere.
3 tymes only.i got chnce 2 see u.

2day u will not b ere.
2nyte also.
ofcoz not 2morrow.
lstnyte u werent thre.
whre r u?
i jez dunno.

i chnge a little bcoz of Allah.
u help me.unconcious.
someday if i get the time.
thank you.d'frst 2 words dat come from my mouth.

we will meet someday.
if not 2day.later.
if not later.i dunno.

'im jez a little 2 not over u.'
frens.is the best words 2 describe us.
4 diz time being.
blurr abt later.
so hard 2 find anthr like u.


mamai giler bgon pgi.grab paper.ttbe dpt fon coll.
calling:auntie as.wondrng siot tpi bjet co0l jew.
agkt fon.
"nabila.tlg auntie bole??kjotkan si syazwan.
gram tol auntie.dh kol bpe nie.xbgon2 ag nk anta syamim.
nabila pg je kt dpn umh ktok lah sgle tgkap yg ade.bole??
"tlg er??ok2.bye."
ak ponk pg lahh tkr suar.yolahh.pki short tyme tdo.segan kambeng je
nak pg umh org pki short.then pki lah tdg sume.
jln.jln dan jln smp lahh dpan umh.
ak dh ketok sni sane!bg salam jgn aa ckp.berjuta!xbgon????!!!
de gak a serupe org giler tyme 2.cehh!xgune tol.
ttbe syamim mncul dpn pn2 wat mke plg tkjot aa.ak co0l jew.
dyer yg pg kjot syzwan 2.
nk tau?????
dyer xckp papepun ngan ak.even kuar umh ponk x.ckp THANX ag aa x kan.
dyer bwat cm ak dtg umh dyer sbb nk jmp dyer.huh??????apakah??
mabok ke??tade kje aa wei!ak tlg ponk sbb mak kau tau ak??jmp kau??
jmp amier ag bgos aa!de gak manfaat ak dpt!cerr.tau ak??pasan kau 2 mcm kau 2 pompuan gedik tau ak??
ak blahh cm2 je.lantak aa nk ckp xsopn ke men blah je.so wut wei??ak bkn idop nk puaskan atie kau okai??ak bengang yg teramat sgt!dh lah PAGI kot.u will deserve somthng not so nice.wait n see!!

ak bkn nk mengungkit pe ak bwt.sbb e'ing yg ak bwat sume bcos of Allah.
sbb kite kne igt sgle bnd yg kite nk wat mst lahh mencri keredaan Allah swt.
ak gram sbb dye wat ak cm i dun have the ryte 4 myself.wut??!!
n as a muslim.i forgive him.lntak lahh dyer aftr diz.mls nk lyn.
sbb dyer cm dh giler.aha.
sorrie auntie as.u have 2 find anthr prson 2 help u nxtyme.
ofcoz not me.
turn 2 him n ask y.ok??
WTVponk.ak ikhlas je nk tlg auntie as :)

nyte at the......

melepak bersame coke.

alamanda:ak.muiz.a.nzm.k.fahimah :)
aftr mgrb grak.otw to almnda.LOST.best sgt.
pth blek buat psgan 360 drjh.kah3.psg2 KL.
sebjk plncong amerika.tp mgunkan IQ msg2.we r back in the ryte track.oho!
plan nk tgk movie.
tp kt sne bg choice 4 movies je.wut the tuut???bhsn giler.
nyte at the museum.monsters VS aliens.syurge cinte.angels && demons.
a.nzm n k.fahmah tgk citer frst.
so ak ngan muiz tade arh tujuan sbb movie xbape best nk tgk.
ttbe tgh jln2 cm dpt petunjuk soh pg KFC.heh.so g a lpak sne.
tyme 2 dh kol bape.half almnda dh gelap kot.rushing gak hbskn fo0d.
ye aa!kfc cm dh nk ttp.siput kubis tol!kiteorg ponk grak g luar a.
ni lahh hasilnyer.
satu COKE yg besa!act bkn coke ponk.kah3!
kt dpan je tls coke.dlm ice lemon tea.
ats 2 gimik jew.muiz sengal pg order LARGE.
terkapai2 nk hbskan.aha!bork pye bork.dh 12 lbyh.
movie dorg ponk dh hbs.so kiteorg sume ponk grak blek.
smile sbb dpt jln mlm2.i like :))

psie//ak mentongsampah giler lahh kt pompuan2 dpn tmpt karoke tdi bajet co0l giler smoke pdhal dh mcm ekzos kete ak tgk.ish3.dunie skrg.sane sini nk terkeluar.bak kate AWAL "nasi lemak one pound doh!" :DD

KAU equal to KURAP


  1. kalau dh salah.wat aa cre kau yg slah.jgn cm ORANG LEN yg salah!
  2. jgn jdk cm binatang.tade prasaan.org nk tlg kau.tpi kau ckp dyer nyebok plak.
  3. xpyh aa nk menipu je dlm idop nie.sbb kck2 jdk penipu.besar2.jdk PENCURI!
  4. kalo pandai *sbb org tlg plak 2* hati BUSUK.watp???
  5. jgn pasan LAWA je.jgn pasan kau ni rmi org admre.tlg aah phm!
  6. hidop nie hati kne bersih,bru idop bhgie.tpi kalo kau asyk wat jht je kt dunie ni tp kau still idop bhgie mksdnyer kau tggulahh Allah blas nnt mmg best!
  7. if prgi cnie.de sape2 ke nk doakn kebaikn tok kau????NO ONE!

sape nk terase.terase aa.ak xkesah aa.go to H*LL!!

hari yg girang : D

manie.ILYSM :DD

assalammualaikum. :)
okai.pg midvalley.
ak n manie plan nk tgk 2 movie 2day.terminator salvation n syurge cinta 4 d'2nd tyme.
hehs.ak smp dlu.jln pye jln.trnmpk lahh kher dok sorg2 cm hlg suami je ak tgk *hehe.ak gurau2 kucing je 2 kher*.
so ajk lahh dyer join kiteorg skali.ni lahh dinamkn TAKDIR.aha!
terminator salvation.12.15 pm.2hours15mnts :)
best citer 2.sape yg mnat dat kind of story pg aa tgk.
stunts dyer co0l giler!mantap.haouliou!
n kne phm btol2 citer 2.kalo x.buang duit jelahh tgk.
stkat nk tgk stunts dyer je tp x menjana otak watp.kan2?? :DD
tcket ak mhl.kher n manie gne student card.dorg ni bajet bdk2 skola ag.2 ah psl.aha!!
syurge cinte plak.3pm.ak dh tgk.so cm bajet co0l jelah tgk ag skli.
kher n manie yg xtgk ag.so.cmnt dorg.BEST.yeah!xrugi ak ckp kt dorg
citer ni best.hehe.dh mmg best.jgn pdg rndah kt filem mlyu okai??
see first bru judge.oho.
kher blek dlu.so ak n manie lpak MPH.
msg2 tgk buku abt ISLAM.criously.rse insaf giler dat tyme.skrg ponk still insaf. :)
yaAllah!byk sgt buku yg best kot kt si2 psl islam lahh ofcoz.
rse byknyer dose dh bwat.bile nk taubat nie???kiamat otw tau!cuak thp giler dah.
aftr diz.pk2 lahh b4 nk bwat dose.SETAN 2 dh lemak giler dh 2 kite asyk dgr ckp dier.
hehe.nk ikot setan msok hell?????aha!
so.yg involve in today show r manie.kher.n me!
have fun.best.menggunakn sore yg KUAT tyme dlm movie tok beborak.kah3!

28 MAY 2009.
1 month ag nk blah.
yang.ak terigt aa kau ckp pe kt ak.
"xsmstyner syg bermsd dpt memiliki"
"tp siyes nab.garb dyer cpt2"
aha.ak nk glak je bile igt pe kau ckp manie.
tp apekan dayaku??haha.ayt skema tauhu!blah.

ps??kher kau tau kan nape tade pic kau?
if de dh lme ak ltak.

emotional is on his way.

aha.entri ak cm ak ni sensitif giler jekn.WTV lahh.
but the truth is mmg ponk.nme ponk pmpuan.len aa klo ak jantan ke.
pondan ke.peke.len citer aa.aha.okai.

MANIE.cant wait 2 see u dis thursday.
berdating lahh kiter.kah3!ak sggp tgk syurge cnte 2kali.demi kwn yg ak syg :DD.
mst kau terharu kan yang??huhu.n also terminator salvation.im coming!wait okai??
ak dh trill xtntu psl ah ni tgu khms ni.2MOVIE bai!tgk slgi mmpu.tgk slgi blom kne concntr8 pape.study lahh 2.tgk selagi tade pape kmtmen yg ak kne buat.heh.

farHANN.ouh.since u msok mtrx.jrg de MR V during nyte.
tade lg ngarot2 i kt u.heh.alaa.u pun same ngarot gak.kah3!tpie i sentese memahami
kebuzyan u kt mtrx 2.so,its ok if u jrg ctc2 i dah.*cerr.nmpk cm undrstndng giler kan??*
bhsn act BFF ym tade ni.u tau hann.i bhsn smp asyk korek idong jew dalam2.*sbb if xdlam xtrill lgsg kot!*hua3!nab pengutur.no more long conversation abt 'them'.no more long conversation abt e'ing.but i jes undrstand all thngs.sbb i kan BFF ym u.hua3!!no2.bkn kt ym je okai??

mst korg nk ckp entri tade kne mgne lgsg kan ngan bnd2 kt ats ni??
ok.ni bru de kaitan sket.
miss both of them.rindu2.
wahh.cehh.emotional giler nab. :))

PS//yang.lap air kt idong 2.ish3.malu org nmpk kang. :DDDD
:: hann.dh2.jgn ngs2 lgie.smp xnafas haa.kah3! ::

bia betol mak aku.

tgh2 mkn ni.mak ak boleh tye soklan cepuk mas giler aa!
kalah TERJAH melodi.
tersedak2 ak.nasik kuar kt idong.
nk ckp ak selekeh??ckp aa sbb org giler je yg cye penipuan ak 2.
hua3!blkg ak ponk ditepuk2 lahh mak ak.
'ma.pe nie??ila xnk due2 ponk' *smbil2 suap nsk dlm mlt.nyum2 :)*
'alaa.xpyh nk tpu ma.nk sorok2 plak.cm xtau je'
'huh?btol lahh.ish3.de ke ptt tye soklan yg ngarot2 nie ma.'
'cpt lahh.tye tol2 nie.tuuut ke tuuut??'
'no comment'
'aik.ma bkn nas ahmad nk no comnt no cmnt'
'haha!pe laa ma.sokln ag ssh dri spm.ilah xnk jwb.sbb skln dyer ntah pape'
'ma plh tuuut lahh.buleh laa aja sket.xpyh ma yg nk aja.tape.nnt ma wat lahh'
'nak watp??jgn wat bnd bkn2 dh??'
'alaa.tuut lahh 2 kan?aha!'
*mak smken brckp bkn2 dn berterusan shga lewat mlm.tpi ak ttp LAYANN :)*

ak sumph tkjot nk matie mk tye sokln cm2.
cm xcye de gak.ttbe je.
tpi tape.if mk yg tye.de lahh kebaikn dyer 2.*giggles*
wait n see.insyaAllah.

"sekiranya seseorang itu sukar menerima atau menghafal sesuatu pelajaran maka adalah perkara maksiat yang dilakukannya samada dalam sedar atau tidak sedar" :)

bye2 miss E.

go0dbye kiss 4 you.hehe.*kau xyah nk geli.ak debok kang!* :D
no more chuppy_chunky during nyte.
thanx ella prsnt kau b4 blahh.
study leklok.*sdar 2 pe citer?aha!*
kau tau kan mtrx life cne.
strive beb!!
forget me not.*kah3!ayt poyo!*

menggapai impian.

'Mengejar biru di angkasa,jgn lupe hijau rumput di bumi'
dat book.tgk title ponk dh cm nk glak gulik2 kan??nsb tade bku yg title dyer TIP MENJADI PELAJAR SBP CEMERLANG.haha!klo x tyme f1 dlu mst dh bce.ok.diz bo0k had been borrowed by amier 2 me.dyer ckp its go0d 4 me.sje2 nk tmbh ilmu.dyer dh hbs bce.so my turn plak.bg ptg tdie.aftr mgrb igt2 nk bce aa.then.2 pges 0nly.1 chpter ponk xlpas.aha.bkn bhsn okai??tpie dat tyme fmly nga borak2.so.i join jelahh.hua3!
act diz bo0k sgt lahh bgos.tx 2 him bg ak pjm.de 106 ms.bru 6 ms bce.tpi ckp nk plg esok.can i make it it??cm x jekan.bt dun care lahh.dye ckp alaa.nipis je bku nie.mst buleh hbs by mlm ni gak.huh??crious ke bdk nie??meh ktok pale sket.aha!im not like u.ulat ouh bku.hehs.frst guy yg bg ak pjm bku2 jns cnie.again.*smile* 4 my own go0d.
n diz bo0k de 7chpters yg sa2 ponk tak leh tggl coz every words dlm bku ni cm mutiare.sgt rugi if skip2.aim 4 2nyte.hbskan lahh bce bku nie.xbuang mse n get somthng kan??:) kire nnt mmg dh redy giler aa kot nk msok U.haha!poyo giler si0t aa.adush.korg nmpk x "MESTI BACA" kt cover dyer??ahha.psiko kan.
finish it.its not a big deal lah nab.ttbe terigt manie ckp.duhh.syuhh2.jgn pk :)*malu.haha* heh.sbsr mne ponk hlgn n sbrat mne ponk bebanan yg dtg.still de tmpt tok mengadu if tade spe nk dgr probs korg.Allah sndri dh bg jaminan dlm surah al-Baqarah ayt 186.
maksudnya:"Dan apabila hamba-hamba-Ku bertanya kepadamu mengenai Aku maka (beritahu kpd mrka): Sesungguhnya Aku(Allah) sentiasa hampir (kepada mereka); Aku perkenankan permohonan org yg berdoa apabila ia berdoa kepada-Ku.Maka hendaklah mereka menyambut seruan-Ku (dengan memtuhi perintah-Ku ) dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepada-Ku supaya mereka menjadi baik serta betul." :D so.ngadu lahh kt Allah tru berdoa n patuh e'ing.
its not me.its new n fresh.i jes like n hapy wit it.


ddk sorg2 ttb tpk somthng.kkdg Allah sembykn matahari.ps2 bg kiter hujan n kilat2 yg kkdg byk dhsyt sgt!kkdg byk slow je.cm byk kentut je.ehe.tpie sbnrnyer Allah smbykn matahari sbb dyer nk tjkn kt kite pelangi.tol x??korg pnh tpk xbnd 2??act kan dlm idop nie xsmstnyer bnd brok yg jdk kt kiter sumenyr bnd yg brok2.myb de sbb yg kiter xnmpk.mksd ak sbb yg bek lah.kalo korg tgk.sume org akn bernegatve thnkng biler dorg de probs o musibah ke jdk kt dorg.i2 mmg kompom2 lahh kan.but neva eva thnk abt the good one kan??so.aftr dz if korg sume dh pg U,pg kolej o wuteva else lah.must rmmber diz ok??Allah syg sgt kt kiter.sje2 je 2 nk test kiter ngan exam akhirat.bhsn lahh kan asyk exm duniawi je.ahah!if de probs ape2 je.rjen2 lahh dating ngan Allah.jgn tyme ssh jew.tyme sng ponk sme.i mean.solat 5 wak2 still wajib.xsunat ag.so kne bwt in any case excpt u die.

insaf plak.
i shuld.
to0 many sins i did.
klo dpt list pjg dyer cm lilitan bumi ni kot.
tkot.korg ponk kne tkot gak.
we r so near wit the END OF DAYS.
u noe wut i mean.
do not have 2 mntion it.
igt2 blk k evry tazkirah yg kite dgr tyme kt srau dlu.
jgn pilih jln hitam *hua3!smpt ag wat lawak :D*

two thumbs up : )

im not lying.syrge cinte best!xrugi RM9 ak kuar tok tgk movie 2.so,come on guys.pg tgk!haha!AWAL.doh best tgk dyer ngs2.chumil :) *sjak biler mnat awal??haha* air mate dyer bkn EYEMO okai??original ouh.mmg mantap aa ngs2 cm hlg wife.haha!haziq sumph cute giler n bg ak aa ak rse sbb dyer aa citer 2 cm jdk komedi kot.* lawak sgt kalo korg xglak korg giler * overall.stoy dyer mle2 lawak2 dlu.then loving n sweet.then.babak2 kuar air mte. then sweet2 blek.kuar movie rse puas aa.so sape yg xmnt kan nk tgk citer mlyu ni *meh cnh ak sepak pale dyer kuat2 * try aa tgk.best!its different KOT.cehh.bajet pengkritik negar plak.hua3!

blek tgk movie text manie.trill ni nk gtau dyer pg tgk movie td citer best!citer xbest mmg tade mse aa ak nk gtau detail2.hehe.text pye text.

nab:"yang.kalo bole nk yg mcm heliza 2.i mean guy.bkn pmpuan.ak bkn LESBO okai??
manie:"ade ke?tp ak doakn kau jmp :)"
nab:"tp de 1 guy je yg pnh bwk ak pg surau"
manie:"ou 1 guy bwk pg surau?lt me guess.amier?"
nab:"hehs.yolahh dye.haha.tape2.de rmi ag kot kt U nnt"
manie:"ha3.wel3.ak tror kan teka.wel ak kan ahli njum ngre. ehm.lmbt2 nt dcuri org.bek kau curi dlu atie dye.if kau nk lahh *yang,sttmnt apekah itu??* tp siyesly msthl nk jmp org yg kiter puas ati,slesa n ske 2kali.igt3 :)
nab:"huh,xphm yg 2kali 2?"
manie:"yelahh.msthl lahh kau nk jmp org cm amir 2 due kali.get it?
nab:"ouh.phm2.haha!ehm.tau tape.tgk syrge cinte tros sre cm bsykrnye ak at least dt gak knl ngan org cm amier 2"

haha!wtv ponk.sila2 lahh usha2 citer nie k korg.yg xmnt citer melayu tp dyer org melayu.ak syorkan korg wat bnd nie.amek pisau.cucuk btol2 kt tgh2 bdn.xponk amek parang.tetak pale korg.xponk pg KLCC.terjon tros xyh tgk kiri knn.xponk amek pistol tembak kt mate.haha!men je aa.ni bnh diri nmyer.sape bwat nmpk sgt frst dyer melayu n 2nd dyer bkn islam.hua3! *cehh!cm hbat jekan cnclsion ak.pdhal taik jew.aha.*

manie.i will wtch it 4 d'SECOND TYME wit u.no worries yang :)

yang terlibat dlm penengokan wayang.my fam.TEEJ.fari.fari's fro.

syurga cinta.

best ke citer nie??
nk tgk esok.
hope best.xbest ak bakar cinema.*dgn selamber*

.involve.moi.mom.mizah.abgnzm.TJ.fari.abg fari. :) *nape?xpcye ke?hua3!


giving a guide to the solution of the problem.so i've make a dcsion 2 start a new life.e'ing will abt my upgrowing,matuarity of mkng dcsion n the victory of mine that i'll approve to others.no more rubbish thngs.no more vuglar words 4 them esp.no more inconsequential thngy dat i'll tke crious aftr dz * korg tau pe.smstinyer anjing2 yg berkeliaran di ssp :) * diz is my new me.frgt abt the past.make a very intrstng life.not easy 2 frgt e'ing but no thngs dat impossible to do.*like dis :D*pple walk away from our life anytyme n blve me its so easy to do it.*kalo anjing yg wat.tak kesah lgsg n xign lgsg nk kesah.sbb anjing kan??* so if we feel so bad 4 ourself bcos of dat,come on!dun be too shy to say hi to people.thr r so mny ppl outhre dat we can find the BEST.criously!i'll find my only one l8r :) *cis!jiwang giler ayt aku* yeah.lets ignore them!*abg botak.abg uia.anjing2.nape?stret 4wrd gtau sape??lntak aa weh.sape yg HIPPO ag S**L.*now.in love wit god.wit my becoming course.wit my fam.wit my superbs frenssz.wit my maniemybo0.*yang,ak tls nme kau!hua3!*n of coz myself.to0 bad dat i throw u bcoz u r so fuck!haa!*i like it* not u A.i jes find dat i shuld 4gt u.4gt the thngs we did 2gthr.4gt abt our cnvrstion.im not thkng abt u anymre.i believe e'ing come from Allah :)

taa oldmcdonald. *had a farm.iyaiyyaooo0o0o.haha!*
see the changes LOL.
PA-my life :)

my kesayangan.

only god noe how much i MISS dis person so much!kiteorg sgt lahh berjauhan.ak ni kt mlysia je.dyer hebat je slalu n sentese lahh..hehe!INDIA doing her medic thngs :) *proud* aha!ak plak lebeh2.eh,tpi ske lahh.ak xkesah!aha!cm slalu.biler dpt YM je mmg lahh trill kan.sbb mmg trill lah!haha!nsb YM de.even ak slalu kutuk2 YM nie. * clapping 4 YM* :) .biler ym jew.sume bnd nk citer.sme bnd nk tye.ehe.ni nk share sa2 in4mtion.kalo kat india kan,PANADOL yg slalu bdk2 skola stress gne tok suicide 2,nme dyer DOLOPAR!korg tau ke??ak tau.hua3!tye pye tye.bru igt nk tye kakak sye ni psl blog dyer.dpt je link mmg tros bkk aa!otk aktif plak mlm2 nie. ::sambil2 lap air mate:: BILLABONG 2 ak ke???wawawawa!ni dh terharu smp kuar hingus aw.igt org len. *tpie de lah sket pasan2.hua3!*dah2.ak nk emo2 nie.kalo dye xgtau.smp mtie ponk xtau. *lap hingus* dh bpe thn k.mimi kiter tittle?4 YEARS!lame.tade kjap2.LAME kot.

"sis,do u noe y i love u so much??bcoz u r the frst sis i had.even dlm fmly pun de abg2 je kt ats.kakak mne de.the way u treat me.so nice.sweet.loving.caring.cm slalu kkk kt luar 2 lahh.* lap air mte * ni nk share quotes ngan k.mimi.ehm2. * test sore.ngs byk dh * " when the changes come to us.we tend to let go of a few things.but even i've got so many changes in my life.NO CHANGES can ever make me forget u :D "
"we met,it was LUCK.we talked,it was by CHANCE.we become sister,it was DESTINY.we 're still sister,its DECISION.we will owez be a sister.
thats a PROMISE.
i miss u.
take care

lost of what?

tittle kt ats cm poyo sket kan.tp ak xkesah lahh korg nk ckp pe.hua3!ishh.pe yg ak rse lost sgt nie??fon ak hlg kew?xpun.laptop kne virus babi kew??xjgak.YM plak.demam dye dh elok.illegal drivng ponk ak dh wat. hiash.pelik nie!xtau pe yg ak missing sgt nie.

kkdg rse cm lost sbb 'dyer'.haa!xpyh ad nk pasan dyer 2 sape erk?dyer 2 dyer aa!
hua3!mst de org kt skola mne2 lahh yg pasan dyer 2 "dyer".ahaha!
ok2.smbg blek psl 'dyer'.

'weh.ak nk ctc kau aw tpie ak xtau aa nk ckp pe ngan kau.xkan lahh e'tyme msg
ckp psl uia jekan.ak nk lahh gak biler msg kau ak cm ckp wtp ke?even soklan 2 thp anjing pye lapok.ak kesah pe kan.lapok ke.kulat ke.kelapok ke.ak xksah lahh cnclusionyr.bhsn lahh biler ckp psl arab kau 2.act ok je nk dgr psl arab kau 2.best je. *haa.dh start keling2 dah.bgg!* tpie.ntah lahh weh.ak rse lost sbb kau kot.ak nk mncrot nie sbb ak cm bkn ak je tpie biler ckp psl kau tros mulut cm "erp.erp.erp.erp."yelahh.pe gune komoh2 mlt tyme amek wudu' kan.hua3!
sbb ak ni agk ego siot aa. * ego2 pun kkdg sensitif gak.aha! * ssh sket nk ske kt org. *haha.ni nme dyer poyo anjing :) * ak biler tgk list fonbook kt fon.nmpk nme kau.tros rse kecibaian dlm pale otk ak.kau aa.caring sgt.softspoken sgt.bek atie sgt.alim sgt.sopan sgt.pndi sgt.sume aa sgt!
cbe cm jht sket ke?sket jelah.jgn byk2.nnt jdk cm adek kau plak.hua3! *ruangan mengutuk org nie* xtau aa pe ak rse act.lost sbb kau??mmg giler.sbb ak xpnh nk sgke2 knl ngan kau.ckp ngan kau.text2 ngan kau.rapt ngan kau.cibai aa!tpie ak still igt ak ni islam.so kne xcpt faith yg ak dpt kan2??aha! *xhbs2 ngan ayt poyo anjing nie* :)"

xbuleh cnie jew.
kne bzkan diri nie.
kne slalu wat illegal drvng nie. :) *alasan plg shit aa!aha.*
kete mne nk culik??kete thp gabak2 je.
kne jgak ouh!
kalau tak......

ouish.ak dh pk cm2 nie.
must vanish them all! * cm iklan cuci bju kan??aha. *

friday's TAZKIRAH.

haa.bkn TGI's FRIDAY k??aha!
renung2kanlah. * hua3!ak poyo*



drpd Anas Nabi Muhammad SAW brsbda yg bermksud:
" Apabila seorg prmpuan mndrikan smbhyg 5 wktu,berpose sebulan
( Ramadhan ),mnjge kehurmtn dn taat suami,die akn disuruh mmsuki
syurga mlalui mane2 pin2 yg die sukai. " ( HR.Ahmad )
Ayuhlah kaum hawa,ni mrupkn PENGHORMATAN kpdmu yg tade pd
laki2.maka,jdilah pompuan spt yg dikatkn Nabi Muhammad SAW nescaya
syurga menntimu.

pe ag.
xpyh pk2 btol ke blog nie?
ish.btol lah mangkok!
go HAWA's sekalian.
jom kite msok SYURGA :DD.

*warning* ak bkn prm8 sender dye aw.ak pomote msg dyer.okai??
tade kekeliruan di c2.arap mklum ye.


12.59am :)
otak ttbe jdk sgt blurr tp 2 bhgian knn.
bhgian kiri still ok ag.aha!
otak tros jdk sgt kuat tok berIMAGINE.haha!
mcm2 ak imagine.
kalau lahh ak nie PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA??
kalau lahh ak nie sebuah KERETA??
kalau lahh ak ni seorang BAPA??
kalau lahh ak nie CIKGU PJ??
kalau lahh ak nie PRINCIPLE??
kalau lahh ak nie POLIS bhgian pnjnyah??
kalau lahh ak nie salh sorg yg kne virus H1N1?? * celupar pye otak! *
kalau lahh ak nie PA barack obama??
kalau lahh ak nie awek amier?? *hua3!otak smekn mengarot!buduh.*
kalau lahh ak nie CHEF cm chef wan??
kalau lahh ak de tanah besa cm SABAH??
kalau lahh ak dh TUA nnt cne??
kalau lahh ak ni BINI org act?? * pale otak tol *
kalau lahh ak ni SURGEON??prot sape lahh ak bukak dlu kan??aha!
kalau lah ak nie seekor HAMSTER??pjg x gg dpn ak??
kalau lahh ak nie sebuah LAPTOP??
kalau lahh ak nie ade KEDAI EMAS??
kalau lahh ak nie PENJANAYAH yg plg polis NAK??
kalau lahh ak nie PLAYER BDMNTON YG HBAT?? :))
kalau lahh ak ni penjual BURGER??
kalai lahh ak nie BOSS?? * byk best *
kalau lahh ak nie pg bwat HAJI?? * tough x ak nnt??*
kalau lahh ak nie MAK aku??
kalau lahh ak ni ASKAR??
kalau lahh ak nie USTAZAH??pjg x tdg ak?
kalau lahh ak nie WARDEN dspln?? * frst,ak nk sbat bntt anjg2 dlu *
kalau lahh ak nie dh 25thn???

imgne pye imgne.
stop smp biler ak imgne umo ak 25thn.
hahah.pelik tp BENAR.
ni lahh jdk biler otak smken beku akbt kesejukan mlm. * skema *

korg cbe lahh try imgne cm ak.
best weyh :DD.

PENTEK to them : )

haha!aida.ak tau ko phm.headline YM nie.hua3!
yess.ade 3org yg pentek2 sumnyer.
nk list karang ttbe de plak yg suroh delete blog.
weh pehal?!blog aku,ske aku a nk tulis pe.kesah pe ak korg rse pe.
haha.* gelak style vampire *.
korg pye lah tahap binatang gile kan,so ni kire turn ak a plak.
tpi dlm kes ni korg yg binatg,ak jez nk amek prgai korg jew.
aha! :D
si belon!ak nmpk ko jew mmg ak sepak muke kau kuat2!
alah,weh ko a bdk pmpuan plg poyo pnh ak jmp.
nie,nk share QUOTES dyer " kebahagian milik sume org "
pdhal xseda mkck sekor nie dyer yg amek hpness rmi org.cilak tol!
* de gak erk mke talam 40 cnie.ish3. *
weh nnt xpyh nk tipu org ngan sengnyer kuar air mte busok ko 2.haha!
second.2 org budak yg slme ni menipu ak.lme ouh!
bpe thun gak ak cye ckp dyer.*yelah.nmpk ak bodo.* :)
budak 2 org ni mmg sgt terserlah kebinatangan dn keanjingan dorg.
lgi2 kt muke dorg.mmg sebijik anjing :)
ni kalo dpt jmp dorg face 2 face.frst ak nk cocok mulut dorg ngan driller.
then,cbut gigi dorg ngan playar :) *impian b4 matie*
aha!ps2 biar dorg bleeding smp kne warded. :))
haish.act xnk pun ungkit2 ag bnd ni tp sorrie a.
YM smlm mmg best giler aa!! :))
wat ak terigt kat binatang2 nie.
ag2 si belon 2.huish.dpt belon 2 mmg ak gigit2 pipi kau!aha!
dah lahh.xnk tmbh dose ag.
biar korg je yg wat dose.
nnt kan.biler korg plak yg kne.xkesah lahh ngan sape2.
balak ke.lesbian korg ke.husband ke.partner bisnes korg ke.
nnt ak pg kt dpn muke korg.ak ckp cnie.

" padan muke kau anjing :) "

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahaha. * PUAS *

down,but precious moment : )

06.30 am
ameir bg msg.'Bgun!dh kol 6.30!!'ok.tkjot.fon btol2 tpi tlge.act 2 dh thp lmbat a gak.coz nk grak kol 7.bole lahh b4 strt game brkfst bnd2 rgan dlu.nk dftr kol 8.30.even kg.pandan 2 tahap sekangkang kera je dri tmpt kiteorg :) ,still kne ontime.
bru lahh DISISPLIN.haa!
06.45 am
1 missed call:amier.again??
cuak a 2 ak xbg respon.hua3!
dh lme bgun lahh.pelahh.
07.06 am
'bila,grak skrg jom.org tgu kt corner'
ok.im on my way :)
tp tyme nk pg kt kete xnmpk pun tyr 2 dh boco,kan??
pg umh eri,eri ckp.
"mier,ko dh tgk tyr blom?tyr ko boco kot!"
* dats the first sign*
kol acap de trnsport ak.ok2.ade.kembare.but then ttbe acap col blek "kembare kkk ak nk gne"
*dats the 2nd sign* .so,amier try mnx gne honda ayh dyer.yess.bole.so,kiteorg 6 org pg lahh dgn SEMANGAT KESUKANAN di dada to kg.pandan.hahaha!
tpie yg wat ak down,kiteorg kalah byk dri mng.msok hall mke confident hbs.ok lahh.dri wat mke taik kan??heh.wtevapun,kiteorg sgt lahh b'puas atie ngan our game 2day.DOWN sbb xmsok final je.sdyh doh.haish!nsb ak gagah.hua3!
balik pun wat mke macho gak.haha!im having such a great tyme wit them.sumpah!best gile lpak2 ngan dorg.FUN smp xtau nk dscrbe cne.heh.crious im going 2 miss the moment!thanx guys 4 e'ing.thanx 4 gvng me the support.e'ing lahh!
smp dpn umh dh.anta acap,eri,ijat then jojo.
ak n amier blek last.alaa.umh dkt je.ak kentut pun dyer dgr.haha!
ntah biler nk trng sme2 ag.haish.
xkn lpe tyme ni smp mati.
kkdg,rse cm xcye je ak byk spentyme wknd ni ngan dorg :)

the moon is so beautiful : )

thanx 4 giving me the perfect moon of 2nyte.
full moon 4 d'spesel one.
i will neva eva 4get abt it.
me n u was looking at the same moon.
was it so amazing??
the power of god.
one moon 4 2 of us.hehe.
wahh.igt spesel sgt ke bulan tok 2 org jew?
i will owes love u :)
no matter wut.
i owes rmmber wut u said.
"i owes support u nab"


u look like u dun want 2 treat me nicely
so,shuld i????

7++ AM
stealing the time,beb!
in hurry open the MS.
u added some pics.

WTF! :0
i jes dunno wut is ur motif act.
sent wrong SMS.
"arigatogozaimas 2 ilah" lah.
ko nk kwn ngan aku ke x act??
if member wat cre membe je aa.
AKU XSKE KAU! * npe cm prsan sgt erk? *
u psycho monkey!

im very confused wit u now.
deal cmnie a.
im not intrsted wit u.
jes givi a damn 4 what they say wut they think.
dun gve me any sign dat i shuld not like u.
coz the FACT is I DUN LIKE person name MONYET. * annoyed *

peple chnge so fast.
ak dh byk exprience.to0 many.
so,ak tau lahh mne yg SWEETALKER mne yg SINCERE.
dun look at me like im stupid lahh.
i noe who u r act :)

future is more imprtnt than u monkey
sbb monkey cm ko besepah kt luar.
so,jgn BAJET ok??
u seems like have e'ing
but the truth is KO KURANG KSEH SYG . * giggles *
dts y ko slalu sgt pasan. * sympathy *

my advice 4 u is:
stop being so PSYCOHOLIC :)

kebodohan terserlah!

asal lahh ak pg bg cmnt kt ko???
i shuld not say anythng psl smlm!

sumpah rse babi giler skrg.
add ko pun ak xptt act.

since i noe who u r.
hope sgt ko dpt HIGH FEVER!!
biar kne warded!

ishh!jgn dh lah ctc ak ke pe ke.
im tryng 2 4get u!

BAJET COOL GILE! * padahal xpun *

mood: bengang yg amat sgt kt dri ak.kat kau gak!

anyone of us : )

I've been letting you down,down.
I know I've been such a fool
Giving in to temptation
I should of played it cool
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand
It can happen to anyone of us
Anyone you think of
Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break'cos i made a stupid mistake
It can happen to anyone of us
Say you will forgive me
Anyone can fail
Say you will believe me
I can't takeMy heart will break'cos i made a stupid mistake.a stupid mistake
You was kind of exciting.A little crazy.I should of known.You must have altered my senses
As i offered to walk you home
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand
She means nothing to me.nothing to me.
I swear every word is true
Don't want to lose you.

psiee// can rmmber diz thngy??thanx 2 BFF YM.i waz not cpying u,taw!!

last wishes 2 MATRIX's

its THE TIME.sape sgke korg sume nk msok stdy blek.
ishh.cm xcyer jew.dulu thp wat ppepun sa2 batch jekan.
study.crk gado.bckup kwn.dewn kuliah.class.
almk.TERemo plak.ehm.
study leklok.okai??
matrix??same advise.
b tough n strive 4 d'best,ok??

x0x0,muahx.TAKE CARE.

FRIDAY evening.

dis friday trng lagi.org yg sme.
nnt mst kne buli ag.kompom pye.
dorg dah lh sme thp psycho giler2.
n dat day,4 my frstyme jmp ngan prtner ak.
hope sgt bole get into e'ing.
sa2 pale lahh.jgn lah dyer bgg ngan ak sbb men sempoi sgt.
cuaknyer on his frst exprsion twrds me.waa!
MY dearest TEAM :nab,amier,acap,ijat,jojo.
good luck guys :)

have faith on amier of cos n d'rest.
ak je x.giler tade confident lgsg nk lwn bdmnton nie.
ish3.pe nk jdk??

cuak siot aa!!

y so suddenly?

got ur sms.so suprsd.
been so mny days.no news o anyhtng.
noe wut,i talk bad thngs abt u.im sorrie.
i noe its all my fault.we're frens only.
no one can chge d'fact xcpt u.
u hve d'spcl one.n i jes knew dat.
bt its ok.go on.im happy now.
not being so prtendng but i jes be myself.
bt plz dun be so nice to me jes bcoz of smthng.
tell me dat is not tru.we can be frens bt plz noe dat

hehe.jgn pashan k?
im intrstd wit som1 else.
tak2.ko xpshan.ak jew.haha! * nada keling *

owes expect somthng dat we do not expect at all

somtymes,life could not not be exctly like we want.
sounds very emotional kn?
yes.smtymes i jes hate my lfe.
" y e'ing will turn into diz way? "
owes questng smthng.owes judge smthng.
myb diz tyme is not mine.
like prjctrunway.' 2day u in,2morrow u out '.
hoping smthng dai i noe i will not get.
can read on peeps mind.TRUEBLOOD.
i jes dun want 2 c u anymre.
is it so hard to be fren wit s0m1 not bcoz of somthng??
friendship is somthng vry valuable in diz wrld.
mkng frens is not dat u have to be s0m1 else.
i jes hate when i noe the truth.
but it teach me to bcreful nxtymes.
my wrds " trust no one ".
flng so anger wut myslf whn i didn't tke d'lesson b4.
arghh!im not flng so good like b4.
i shuld notice it frm d'strt.
the convrsation.n e'ing.
sad n bad.coz i belief e'ing.
all the accidently thngs hpnd b4.stupid.
myb dis is not my wrong.mistke teach me to be matured nxtyme.
in mkng anythng dat lead 2 my futre n my flng.
i hate peeps dat mke my heart brkn.u people r babi.
now,i choose peeps who can judge me coz they noe me d'best.
n at my worst,i dun need u're opinion anymre.
thre r 3 prsns dat i regret mtng them.
A wrd.S wrd.I wrd.go die!plz.
i had 4got the 2 of them.cnt wait 2 4gt the only one left.
dun eva think 2 see the old nice me again. * psycho *
like i said b4." dun be nice wit me,shuld i be nice 2 u?? ".
n i will not care abt ur flng anymre.heartless.
thnk of new hobby.mkng others cryng.
coz i dun live to make u hepi.ha3! * true tones of evil *
thanx e'ing.i do aprc8 all the kindness u did 2 me.
now i noe u not THE ONE.i shuld be thnkfl coz i noe it now.not 2mrrow.
if i can,i wnt 2 erase all the thngs i had abt u.
dun eva thnk 2 tell me that ' monkeys ' cn be trusted.
all of them r the same spcies.shuld live in jungle.only.
my faith.n i shuld xcpt it.ryte??
its not dat thngs hpnd lke diz e'ing will be so dark.

i shuld be tough. :)

sweet Talker


usha pge ms.
ouh.dh aprve.ok.
tgk pge.pic.
sweet talker???
i had expcted it.
kalo lahh bole cmpk umh ko jaoh2 kan best : )
' monkey ' cannot be trusted smp biler2.

iklan:dont trust boys.trust no one. *iklan je tau.tade kne mgne ngan ats nie*

kwn is the best!

training badominton

kol 8 dh kne get up from tilam air.adush.trng bdmnton.mls giler kot.tp dh jnji,kne lahh jgak bgon.amier coll.ok2.phm.kne cpat sket lahh 2.tdg xgosok.mate half bkk.smlm tdo kol 4am.ish2.cm BFF ym ckp, "eh,xknl erti pnt erk??".ha3!dh amek sume team8,pg lahh court bdmnton.kteorg buk 2ours.ak men hampeh giler.xpnd lahh nk men allout ngan boys.dlu men ponk ngan pmpuan.adush.cm org buduh je ak tdie.dah lah sorg je girl.ak men tok mix double.kne lahh buli ngan geng2 amier.cis,xgne!ha3!10hb ni trnmnt.hoh.aftr trng,kteorg pg men bolng.but i refuse tok men,giler pe??1 gurl,4 men.wat malu je klo jatoh.tegolek2 pride aku cm aym golek nnt.hehs.dorg men 2 set.aku smpt a gak nguap2 kucng.ha3!prot dh byk guitar hero.xmkn ppe.kuar umh kol 8,blek umh kol 3.btol2 haouliou!pnt a gak.tp fun sgt!n ak sgt ske arinie coz neva expct sumthng like diz hppnd.wtvpun,hoping ak mng mix double.cuak2.tp double???ak cm blank sket a.cmne???

psiee// "wat mke popeye plak?ha3!"

dumb thngs i did

dis is the list.
dumb things i did in this last 3 months.

: askng 4 a job at oldtown :
: wrkng at oldtown :
: watng for ARROGANT : * klo korg tau spe arrogant nie.ish2.dis is the most dumb thng i did *
: askng S words for some help :
: knwng some useless boys : * shuld neve hpnd in my life,my mstke. *
: being nice 2 peple :
: being so easy to like peple : * kwn2,anda ptt jauhi sikap ini spt m'jauhi ROKOK.ha3 *
: knwng the damn thng eva!arghh!u r so shitty,piggy,n so on!! :
: tlkng so nice to S***A.wtf. :

4 diz tyme being.ni jela kot.ha3!bunguk.


xtau lahh rse pe skrg.
all the flngs mixing tgthr.
cm nk msk tlor dadar jew.
kompom sdap.
jap,pe kne mgne ngan tlor plak nie???

: saye yg giler :

aku kembali

kawan2.sorie lahh lme gler xupd8 blog.aku bru jew beli broadband bru.demi korg aku crk gak sebjk.ha3!to merr,aku dh upd8!to shieq,warnin ko aku mek crius aw!ha3!ween,ko ponk de tgo aku kan xupd8 blog??heh.after bbrpe dekad xupd8 blog,kini, AKU KEMBALI!! *nada poyo*